graphic design

Gala Guru

Logo, branding, and editorial layout

Design problem: Early in my nonprofit career, I discovered that there weren’t many resources for first-time event planners available. I also discovered that most nonprofits have a staff fundraiser running their galas and events, which means they spend less time fundraising and more time event planning. There is a market for nonprofit event consultants who can provide contracted services to nonprofits of all sizes to help them run their galas and free up staff time.

Design solution: I decided to create an easy to digest print booklet that explains the process, using the information I’ve learned in my years of event planning experience. I expanded this project by creating a branding package for Gala Guru, a nonprofit event consultant.

Audience: Nonprofit fundraisers and consultants

Software: InDesign • Photoshop • Illustrator



Design Process

I began this project by creating the printed booklet in InDesign. I explored several different photo options, color palettes, and grid layouts. The biggest lesson learned in that process was to keep the grids simple and easy to understand. Because it’s a step by step guide, the photos and layout didn’t need to be too experimental; just clear and informational.

The best part of this project for me was discovering new typefaces and making minor layout adjustments to ensure alignment on each page. I discovered my love for print production through this project.
