graphic design

Jane Goodall Institute

Nonprofit branding and social media marketing

Design Problem: Jane Goodall is a conservation hero and is the name behind a widely respected nonprofit organization. Their current logo is horizontal, wide, and comprised of four different graphics paired with the name of the institute. This is difficult to scale for print and common digital formats.

Design solution: I decided to create a new, simplified logomark and logotype that represent their mission clearly. I expanded this project into a social media and direct mail campaign. I used one of her famous quotes, “There’s till a lot left worth fighting for,” to build an ad campaign to generate donations to the institute.

Nonprofits often struggle with putting out consistent marketing campaigns because of the high rate of staff turnover and constant desire to rebrand. I made an Instagram template that could be used by staff to place nature images into and post. It could also be downloaded as a template for supporters to post their own images of animals and places they believe are worth protecting.

Audience: Environmental activists and cause-oriented donors

Software: Adobe Draw • Illustrator • Photoshop • InDesign



Envelope 0433 2019-04-20.jpeg

Design Process

I sketched the logomark in Adobe Draw for iPad and refined it in Adobe Illustrator. Having worked in nonprofits for years, I understand how having a strong and easily recognized logomark can be effective for brand awareness. I wanted to make the logomark be a chimpanzee looking directly at the viewer because humans make empathic connections to things they can see themselves in.
