graphic design

International Ocean Film Festival

Event promotion and marketing

Design problem: The International Ocean Film Festival happens every year in San Francisco. I discovered it by chance, and thought it was such a great idea for a city of outdoor enthusiasts, surfers, and environmentalists. I wished they had more branding around the city to advertise it. With festivals, it can also be hard to get all the information guests need into one printed piece. Film festivals require you to know where you’re going at the right time so you can catch the films you want to see.

Design solution: Most festivals also include some type of poster, signage, and program. I created a new set of marketing materials and collateral to convey the festival information clearly refined typefaces, unconventional colors, and compelling imagery.

Audience: San Francisco residents, film enthusiasts, environmentalists, surfers.

Software: Adobe InDesign • Illustrator

IOFF poster mockup 3.jpeg


Design Process

I started this project by creating the print piece which unfolded to display the poster on the reverse side. I decided to separate them into two different projects and expanded it from there. As an event planner, I have a good sense of what collateral and materials are needed for event production and created festival materials that I thought would be useful. I used Illustrator to make the original print piece and brought it to InDesign.
